When Changing lifestyle
You Change a Home

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Chandeliers and Pendants in Our current Home

And here we are – all the light fixtures are still in our home, and we love them. 

The only adjustment my highly tech husband made, and I love this adjustment – is we replaced the bulbs with Philips smart ones, and we can control the color of the light with a voice:) Isn’t this awesome! See the video below to fully immerse and experience:) 

We Kept Chandeliers and Pendants

And you know what? You are exactly right – nothing lasts forever like the temporary:) This is amazing how a human brain is wired – if you can stand something for a month, this does not bother you any longer. 

Multifunctional Accent Wall Panels

And yes, I am very particular about the headboard of the bed, as to me this is a focal point and the centerpiece in a bedroom, headboard orchestrates the mood of the whole entire bedroom. This is why it is called a HeadBoard – just think thru this combination of words mindfully:)

Wooden 3D World Map Wall Decor

Having this 3d world map is a great way to educate our child just playfully, during having a fun and tasty meal we can play games like “Name the Capitals”, or “Which country borders this country” or something else fun and educating.

And overall look, wooden texture, 3d and color scheme of this map ideally matches our idea of living space in this area. 

Wooden 3D World Map: WallDecor

We decided to decorate our breakfast area walls in our home with a wooden 3D world map.This brings a touch of warmth and our personal connection to this space. The intricate details of the map create a unique and visually stunning focal point, reflecting our passion for travel and exploration. It’s not just a decoration; it’s a reminder of the beautiful places we’ve been and the adventures that await. Each contour of the map tells a story, making our home a canvas of our life’s journey. In this location of a home it inspires conversations and cherished memories with family and friends. 


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When changing lifestyle
you change a home

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